Alpha Center forfers comprehensive theology courses to promote serious study and research in the various fields of theology and religious sciences. Courses are guided by the renowned scholars of international reputation whose academic excellence and theological insights have shaped many through various courses. It is our desire to promote serious study and research in the various fields of theology while focusing on the personal integration of the individual and the Church on theological, spiritual, religious, psychological and social levels.
Our vision is to impart a strong theological, ecclesial and biblical foundation to the faithful, having in mind the multiplicity of belief systems in a pluri-cultural global context in such a manner that would be suitable for widespread use by others beyond our own locality.
The diploma course is the introductory course in theology. It introduces the students to the various branches of theology with special attention to the Sacred Scripture. The course could be completed with the minimum duration of two semesters.
In the three year Bachelors Program, a broad and gradual elucidation of catholic theology is offered in the form of courses and seminars. The program aim’s to equip the student with the competence necessary to reflect in an integrated and systematic fashion on all major branches of Theology. To this end it provides specialized courses in all the principal fields of sacred Theology
Masters Degree in Theology which comprises of two years provides the students with opportunities to specialize in the Biblical Theology (Malayalam).
The research programme is oriented to assist competent students to make personal contribution to scientific and theological research through completion of the research program and the writing of a dissertation, which is to be accomplished under the guidance of a competent professorial staff, within a reasonable time-limit. The research degree (DRS) obtained at the completion of the programme is awarded under the competency of Alpha Institute.
Academic Profile: