Welcome to Alpha Center for Theology and Science

Alpha Center forfer comprehensive theology courses to promote serious study and research in the various fields of theology and religious sciences. Courses are guided by the renowned scholars of international reputation whose academic excellence and theological insights have shaped many through various courses. It is our desire to promote serious study and research in the various fields of theology while focusing on the personal integration of the individual and the Church on theological, spiritual, religious, psychological and social levels.

Our vision is to impart a strong theological, ecclesial and biblical foundation to the faithful, having in mind the multiplicity of belief systems in a pluri-cultural global context in such a manner that would be suitable for widespread use by others beyond our own locality.


Alpha Center for Theology and Science (AITS) is an autonomous institution of theological studies erected at the Catholic Archdiocese of Tellicherry, Kerala, India.


The purpose of the Alpha Center for Theology and Science (AITS) lies in the formation of the faithful, empowering men and women both lay and religious, that they might enrich their Christian lives, that they might give reason to their faith (cf. 1 Pet 3, 15), that they might strengthen their apostolic work providing pastoral care and sound catechesis in particular, that they might participate in evangelization. At the same time, it prepares professionals active in the heart of the culture and society, to actively cooperate in the mission of the Church within the ministries proper to them.

Alpha Center for Theology and Science (AITS) is established to serve the following objectives:

  • To promote thorough scientific study and research the tradition of Christian wisdom of both the East and the West with special reference to Indian heritage;

  • To train its students in sacred disciplines and allied subjects, according to the Catholic doctrine, with a view of enable them in fulfilling their pastoral task and promoting the continuing education of the ministers of the Church and collaborating with the hierarchy in the work of evangelisation (CCEO, c.647, §2; HIRS art. 2);

  • To interpret and proclaim the Good News taking into account the actual socio-religious-cultural reality of India;

  • To promote harmonious coexistence and cooperation among the different suiiuris Churches giving the students opportunity to study the traditions of these Churches;

  • To promote ecumenical studies and investigate the history and traditions of various Christian Churches with special reference to the actual situation they face in India.

  • To encourage and continue dialogue with different religions and cultures so that students may see the truth contained therein, especially in the Indian religious traditions, and have a proper appreciation of one’s own faith and other religious traditions;

Orientations and Goals

Alpha Center for Theology and Science (AITS) is established to impart a strong theological, ecclesial and biblical foundation to the faithful, having in mind the multiplicity of belief systems in a pluri-cultural global context.

This course of studies has multi-facetted orientations and goals:

  • Its first aim is the promotion of the religious formation of the laity and of those in consecrated life in order that they might better participate in the task of evangelization of the secular world in which they live. This role emphasizes also the assumption of professional duties in ecclesial life and in the installation of a Christian sensibility in society.

  • Its second goal is to prepare candidates for the many diverse lay ministries and services to the Church.

  • Thethird goal is to prepare teachers of religion for all school levels below the university.

  • The AITS offer a new opportunity to participate, in concert with theology, in a deepening of the truth with an eye to accompany an increase in faith of the people and the entire community.

  • The study and teaching of Religious Studies offer the necessary elements to create a synthesis between faith and culture in the particular locales in which the Church exists.


All the certificates issued by Alpha Institute are given under the capacity of the Institute itself. Even though the Institute began to function as the centre of two private universities in India, due to certain technical and legal issues, these programs are discontinued. The process of recognition of the Institute by the Congregation for Education, Rome is progressing.

Vision and Mission
  • The Vision of Alpha is the education of Christian life absorbed in the biblical, theological and moral tradition by empowering the lay leadership and ministry for the mission of the Church.

  • The aim of the Alpha Institute is to promote serious study and research in the various fields of theology and religious sciences. The research program is intended to bring about personal integration in the life of the individuals and the church on theological, spiritual, religious, psychological and social levels (HIRS no.3). The Institute fosters the harmony of devotion, knowledge and action. While striving hard to excel in serious study and research, every student is encouraged to do his or her best to excel in the realization of the harmony of loving devotion, wisdom and activity, in a spirit of selfless service.

  • In contrast to a dualistic, “either-or” mentality that sees things as irreconcilable opposites, the goal of Alpha Institute stresses on a complementary, “both-and” attitude that is integrative and inclusive. It aims at preparing priests, religious and laity for inter-religious dialogues and to meet the challenges of the time for an effective pastoral and spiritual ministry. Its programs are oriented towards attaining a greater awareness of the spiritual social, political, economic, religious and ideological systems and traditions that influence the lives of Christians and their fellow seekers of God.

  • Alpha Center for Theology endorses the spirit of the Church by engaging deeply in the ecumenical pursuit by offering opportunities to students of different Christian denominations to participate in the academic program of the institute and it fosters religious harmony through inter-religious dialogues and prayer-seminars conducted annually. Its goal is to encourage clear and creative thinking, in consonance with the teachings of the Church and the dictates of the Gospel, in the context of the Asian religious and Spiritual traditions, conducive to an experience of the supreme Truth through selfless service and loving commitment.

    • To strengthen the local Church by faith empowerment of the laity (HIRS Art. 2)

    • To be an Center for influence, assisting the local church to train future leaders by providing relevant accredited training that is practical, Spirit-filled and theologically sound through using the modern means of communication.

    • Promote ecumenism by sharing the common platform for theological studies

    • Scrutinize and evaluate the challenges raised by sectarian groups against the faith of the Church.

    • Promote interreligious dialogue.

Episcopal Patrons of Alpha Institute

  • Archbishop Mar Joseph Pamplany
  • Archbishop Mar George Valiamattam
  • Bishop Mar Joseph Srampickal
    Patron at UK
  • Ret. Rev. Dr. Paul Hinder
    Patron at Gulf Region
  • Bishop Mar Lawrence Mukkuzhy
    Patron at Karnataka
  • Bishop Mar Joseph Kollamparabil
    Patron at Jagadalpur
  • Bishop Mar Jacob Angadiyath
    Patron at USA