Bachelors Degree in Theology (BTh)

Bachelors Degree in Theology

 Bachelors Degree in Theology comprises of three years, during which the students will be given courses in Sacred Scripture, the various branches of Theology, Canon Law, Liturgy and Spirituality.


  1. An applicant must have completed a Diploma Course in Philosophy or Plus Two.
  2. The applicants who have completed their studies in other Institutes and Faculties will be admitted after the scrutiny regarding the canonical validity of the corresponding certificates. The judgment of the academic council of the Institute finalises the issue.

Modus Operandi

  1. The academic year is divided into two semesters. At the end of each semester there shall be exams for the subjects taught in the semester. The students will be examined not only on the basis of lectures but also based on the literature related to the subject assigned for private and personal study.
  2. No student shall be allowed to enroll for the examination without the required number of attendance for the classes.
  3. The courses are divided into different sections such as: main and subsidiary, obligatory and elective and special.
  4. The pedagogy of the Institute includes lectures, seminars, reading and evaluation of the books and articles, tutorials, audio visual aids, language lab.
  5. Besides the fundamental themes in main subjects, which may be offered as courses common for all students, further elaborations may be offered according to special orientations like Biblical, Pastoral, Oriental, Patristic, Missiological and Comparative Religious studies.

Written Thesis for BTh

At the beginning of the 5th semester before the 30th of June of the second stage of the Institutional Cycle, students aspiring for the Bachelor Degree in Theology have to select the topic for the thesis, and the professor who will guide the work. The written thesis must be submitted by the 6th semester before the final examination.

A space of 1.5” on the left margin and a space of 1” on the right margin should be kept. A space of 1” should be kept on the top and the bottom of the page. The dissertation should be of minimum 50 pages and maximum 80 pages. The above- mentioned page limit includes the bibliography and the appendices.

Repetition of Examination

If anyone fails in a subject, the examination in the respective subject shall be repeated. Such examinations shall be conducted at the beginning of the following semester. The examinations that are deferred for other reasons shall be conducted at the time fixed by the President. Those who fail in BTh examinations may repeat the examination only once, at the end of the following semester.

Grading System

40%                               =         Pass Mark      

Below 70%                     =         Second Class

70%-84%                      =         First Class

85% and above              =         Distinction


Distribution of Subjects under the Various Departments of Theology


PART I: Dogmatic Theology

Paper 1  : Introduction to Theology

Paper 2  : Theological Methodology

Paper 3  ­: Philosophy & Theology

Paper 4  : Theology of Holy Trinity

Paper 5  : Christology

Paper 6  : Spiritual Theology

Paper 7  : Ecclesiology

Paper 8  : Theological Anthropology

Paper 9  : Missiology

Paper 10: Theology of Other Religions

Paper 11: Mariology

Paper 12: Eschatology

Paper 13: Theology and Science

Paper 14: Indian Christology

Paper 15: Modern and Post Modern Theologians

Paper 16: Unicity of Jesus Christ

PART II: Scriptural Exegesis

Paper 1   : Biblical Hermeneutics

Paper 2   : Theology of Pentateuch

Paper 3   : Salvation History: Ezra-Nehemiah

Paper 4   : Prophetic Literature

Paper 5   : Wisdom Literature

Paper 6   : Hebrew Poetry: Psalms

Paper 7   : The Gospel of St. Mathew

Paper 8   : The Gospel of St. Mark

Paper 9   : The Gospel of St. Luke

Paper 10 : The Gospel of St. John      

Paper 11 : The Pauline Letters

Paper 12 : Letter to Romans

Paper 13 : The Universal Letter: Exegestical Studies

Paper 14 : Book of Revelation

Paper 15 : Wisdom Literature: Book of Job - Exegetical Studies

Paper 16 : The Books of Maccabees

Paper 17 : Synoptic Problem

Paper 18 : Textual Criticism

PART III: Moral Theology

Paper 1 : Fundamental Moral Theology

Paper 2 : Social Doctrines of the Church

Paper 3 : Political  Theology

Paper 4 : Morality of Life

Paper 5 : Canon Law - I

Paper 6 : Canon Law – II

Paper 7 : Applied Ethics

Paper 8 : Human Rights and Media Ethics

PART IV:  Sacraments and Liturgy 

Paper 1: Sacraments in General

Paper 2: Liturgical Theology

Paper 3: Theology of Eucharist

Paper 4: Theology of Healing Sacraments

Part V: Church History

Paper 1 : General Church History -I

Paper 2 : Indian Church History

Paper 3 :Patrology

Paper 4 : General Church History - II

Part VI: Classical and Modern Languages

Paper 1  : Biblical Greek Language

Paper 2  : Biblical Hebrew Language

Paper 3  : Ecclesiastical Latin

Paper 4  : German

Paper  5 : Italian

Part VII: Seminars and Assignments

  1. Seminars

Paper 1  : Theodicy: Does God Exist ? (Faith and Interpretation)

Paper 2  : Eucharist as the Summit of Christian Life (CCC. 1322-1419)

Paper 3  : Seminar: Jewish systems that Shaped the NT

Paper 4  : Contemporary ethical reading of Decalogue (cf. CCC. 2083-2565)

Paper 5  : Theological Focus on the Paschal Mysteries of Christ (cf. CCC 422-78)

Paper 6  : Special Question in Pneumatology (cf. CCC 422-678)

Paper 7  : Seminar: Text Criticism of  a selected passage

Paper 8  : Seminar: Laity/ Religious Life (cf. Corresponding Vat. II Decrees)

Paper 9  : Seminar: Contemporary Ecclesiastical Questions in the Gospel of St. Mathew

Paper 10: Seminar: Initiation Sacraments (cf. CCC 1212-1419)

  1. Assignments

Paper 11  : Significance of Healing Sacraments (CCC. 1420-1532)

Paper 12  :  Importance of Evolution of the Prayer in Christian Life (CCC. 25582758)

Paper 13  : Interpretation of Lord's Prayer (CCC. 2759-2864)

Paper 14  : Human Person and Social Life (CCC. 1878- 1948)

Paper 15  : Any theme in Gaudium et Spes (cf. GS)

Paper 16  : Precepts of the Church (CCC. 2030-2051)

Paper 17  : Seminar: Jewish systems that Shaped the NT

Paper 18  :  Contemporary ethical reading of Decalogue (cf. CCC. 2083-2565)

Paper 19  :  Theological Focus on the Paschal Mysteries of Christ (cf. CCC 422- 678)

Paper 20  :  Dogmatic Evolutions in Holy Trinity and Creation (cf. CCC 198-420)

Paper 21  :  Hermeneutical Issues (in the light of Dei Verbum)

Paper 22 : Towards A Synodal Church: Synodality and its implications


Syllabus for Bachelors Degree in Theology

6 Semester Course (3 Years)

120 Credits

(180 Credits - One credit is 16 working hours, and Out of 180 credits 120 from the obligatory courses 12 from the language courses and 48 from the optional courses and seminar papers)


            Students may choose 16 courses from the hard core and 4 courses from the language courses and 6 courses from the soft core. Courses elected from the soft core must contain at least one course from the divisions of electives, Specialisation Courses and the Seminar.

Main Courses

BC 1.    History of Christianity in the West (5 credits)

BC 2.    History of Christianity in Asia (5 credits)

BC 3.    History of Christianity in India with special attention to Kerala  (5 credits) 

BC 4.    History of Christian Theology with special reference to Trinity, Christology, Ecclesiology, Ethics (5 credits)

BC 5.    History of Theological Conflicts (5 credits)

BC 6.    Christian Contributions in India with special attention to Kerala (5 credits)

BC 7.    Exploring the ancient Christian Literature (5 credits)

BC 8.    Exploring the Jewish ancestry of Christianity (5 credits)

BC 9.    The ancient Near Eastern Background of Jewish and Christian scriptures  (5 credits)

BC 10.  Christian Anthropology (5 credits)

BC 11.  The impact of Colonization in Indian religious systems (5 credits)

BC 12.  The Christian Migrations (5 credits)

BC 13.  Christian Ashramic living and Indian Christian Theology (5 credits)

BC 14.  Archaeology (5 credits)

BC 15.  Evolution of Judeo-Christian Ethics (5 credits)

BC 16.  Theology of Religions (5 credits)

BC 17.  Framing an Indian Christian Theology (5 credits)

BC 18.  Philosophy of Science and Religion (5 credits)

BC 19.  History of Ecclesiology (5 credits)

BC 20.  History of Ancient Israel (5 credits)

BC 21.  History of the Theology of Creation and Eschatology (5 credits)

BC 22.  Christian Rituals and Customs (5 credits)

BC 23.  Fundamentals of Judeo-Christian Ethics (5 credits)

BC 24.  Contemporary Ethical Issues. (5 credits)

Optional Courses and Seminars (Soft Core)

OC 1.   Cursory notes on Different Branches of Ethics (5 credits)

OC 2.   Modern History of Christianity (5 credits)

OC 3.   History of the Syro- Malabar Christians in Kerala (5 credits)

OC 4.   Developmental Psychology (5 credits)

OC 5.   History of Trinitarian Theology (5 credits)

OC 6.   History of the evolution of Christology (5 credits)

OC 7.   Interactions between Indian Philosophy and Christian theology (5 credits)

OC 8.   Hermeneutics and Modern Methodologies of Interpreting Ancient Classical Texts  (5 credits)

OC 9.   Greek and Semitic Philosophy (5 credits)

OC 10. Exploring the Christian Ethos and Rituals (5 credits)

OC 11. Christian Architecture and Art in India (5 credits)


Language Course

  1. Studying the Ancient Christian and Jewish languages (5 credits) – Students can choose any two of the following languages

LC01    Hebrew (Reading, Writing and Comprehending the texts)

LC02    Greek (Reading, Writing and Comprehending the texts )

LC03    Syriac (Reading, Writing and Comprehending the texts)

LC04    Latin (Reading, Writing and Comprehending the texts)

  1. Modern European Languages (Students can choose any two of the following languages)

LC05    German

LC06    Portuguese

LC07    Italian

LC08    French

LC09    Dutch


Alpha Institute has introduced the semester system for the examinations and assessment of the students. It saves the students from the overburdens at the scholastic year endings. Moreover, it helps the students to be attentive and alert of the study program throughout the year. The students of the study programs in Bachelor of Theology Course (BTh) will be assessed on the following manner on semester basis.


All the bachelor students of the academic year 2024-25

will follow the following subjects in the first  and second semesters

First Semester

  1. Introduction to Theology (Only for the New Admissions to Alpha Institute)
  2. The Gospel of St. John (Logic of the Logos)
  3. Salvation History: Ezra - Nehemiah
  4. Dogmatic Theology : Trinity
  5. Biblical Greek-1
  6. Assignment: Theological Focus of the Paschal Mysteries of Christ


Second Semester

  1. The Gospel of St. Mathew
  2. Theology of Pentateuch
  3. Mariology
  4. Biblical Hebrew
  5. Seminar: Towards a Synodal Church: Synodality and its implication
  6. BTh Dissertation (Only for the Final Year Students)







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Course Details

Duration : 3 Year (6 Semester)
Cost of course materials : Please contact Alpha Office. (08086312826)